Keep Working Lands Working - The Official LandCAN Blog

The LandCAN blog contains insights in today's complex world of conservation. With less funding going towards public lands, it's more important than ever for landowners to practice conservation. Our blog offers up ideas on how farmers, ranchers, and working landowners can better preserve and maintain their land and why it's so important to keep working lands working!


How a controversial poison saved Utah Lake

Ted Williams once again promotes common sense and solutions that successfully eradicate harmful invasive species clogging our aquatic ecosystems.

Posted By: Ted Williams on: 09/24/2024

Private Landowners Leading the Way: Conservation Success Stories from Land Report's Summer 2024 Issue

The latest issue of Land Report magazine (Summer 2024) features three insightful articles highlighting the leadership and effectiveness of private landowners in conservation and landscape stewardship.

Posted By: Amos S Eno on: 09/16/2024

All Hands On Deck No More Waiting

This is part of a year long series called the Truth About Timber.  Our forests are in such horrible shape many in the industry say it's time for a new fire fighting policy, all hands on deck. In this episode of the Truth About Timber expect to learn why, how and how this impacts all of us.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/12/2024

Big Cat Comeback

We are posting Lindsey Liles article in GARDEN and GUN because it emphasizes and provides corroborative evidence of the importance of private land conservation for the recovery of endangered species. About ten years ago I drove my old Boss Nathaniel Reed from Everglades City back to his home on Jupiter Island and tried to explain to him the importance of engaging ranchers in  central and southeastern Florida for species conservation and the preference of conservation easements to public acquisition. Nat did not get the message. Liles article drives home my point beautifully.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/22/2024

Conservation Today, As Opposed To Yesteryear: The Importance of Private Lands

US Environmental initiatives have focused on federal lands protection since 1900. The latest iteration is the Biden’s administration trumpeted a “30 by 30-policy” objective further expanding our already excessive federal holdings. National Parks, and National Forests protect many high mountains, deserts, grasslands, and our National Wildlife Refuges conserve some 90 million acres of wetlands. However, 82% of our Wetlands remain in private ownership and 80% of endangered species habitat rests in private land ownership. Species biodiversity is disproportionately dependent on the private sector, which represents a forgotten and ignored landscape in terms of national policy and funding.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/14/2024

Forest Fire /ESA Memo, Last Straw: Part 2

This morning (30 July 2024), I read Tim Stewart’s USOGA post, which got me thinking while swimming laps. As a non-lawyer, I apologize for the following ruminations. I have been telling political leaders for years that ESA is one of the largest Gordian knots needing unraveling at the Interior, and today, in western states, catastrophic forest fires and ESA have become bedmates through the midwifery of the Spotted Owl and Clinton’s Northwest Forest plan. My thoughts focus on how to unravel this mess of thirty years, preferably by executive action.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/13/2024

How Republicans Lost the Environment as Public Policy Leaders

Over the last century and a quarter, the United States has experienced two great short-lived episodes of Republican conservation leadership. The first was during President Teddy Roosevelt’s presidency when he built on President Benjamin Harrison’s forest reserves, appointed Gifford Pinchot as his Chief Forester, and created the U.S Forest Service. Roosevelt /Pinchot together orchestrated the most significant expansion of federal conservation lands, including National Forests, which quadrupled in size throughout western states, National Parks (Grand Canyon, Crater Lake, Mesa Verde), and some 50 National Wildlife Refuges, beginning with the designation of Pelican Island NWR in Florida to preserve a colony of colonial nesting shorebirds.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/13/2024

Our managed fire debate is now a political firestorm: Part 2

An increasing percentage of the [Forest Service's] resources have been spent each year to provide for wildfire suppression, resulting in fewer resources available for other management activities such as restoration. In 1995, wildland fire management funding made up 16 percent of the Forest Service’s annual spending, compared to 57 percent in 2018. 

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/23/2024

Restoration From The Ground Up

We have been writing for over a decade that western ranchers are the best stewards of our rural landscapes. Here is a central Texas family pushing the envelope on restoring their grasslands and water resources and also implementing a carbon sequestration program. This is a perfect example of ecosystem restoration and responsible stewardship.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/08/2024

Awakening: The Environment and Conservation

After reading Amos' written piece for his 50th Princeton reunion, it's evident that he remains a formidable force in the environmental movement, embodying a steadfast commitment to conservation and public policy. Delve into his captivating insights, including his thought-provoking article, "How Republicans Lost the Environment as Public Policy Leaders," and discover the impactful work of the Land Conservation Assistance Network that he champions. – Larry B. Morris, Quebec-Labrador Foundation

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/07/2024

CO2 and Food Part 1

Climate change alarmists have designated C02 a deathly pollutant destroying the earth we inhabit, when in reality it is helping feed our world population and making our farmers the best agricultural producers in historic time. Farms in America feed not only our population but people world wide.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/20/2024

A Gold Star service provider: Steve Nelle

I have decided it is time to highlight the conservation success stories of LandCAN’s leading service providers. This is important because of the overall decline in both services and effectiveness of federal conservation programs across the board at multiple agencies at both USDA and Interior departments.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/30/2024

Poison Bullets

from Gray's Sporting Journal, Big Game Issue, September 2023 (

There’s a raging debate about doing away with hunting projectiles that can poison people and wildlife. It started in 1894.

Posted By: Ted Williams on: 12/02/2023

Dangerous for Maine

Nothing personifies the imbecility of Governor Millstone’s clean energy campaign in Maine than investments in offshore wind. In the last 6 months we witness GE, Siemens, Orsted lose billions of tax payer $$ in recent quarters for their intermittent energy. Millstone is also planting solar eyesores along every highway jug handle that should more appropriately host wild flowers to restore our pollinator populations.

Here is a 16 November report from BBC in U.K.:” “The price paid to generate electricity by offshore wind farms has been raised by 66% as the government tries to entice energy firms to invest,” the BBC report begins, adding, “It comes after an auction for offshore wind projects failed to attract any bids…..So, the UK government and apparently the BBC want consumers to believe that a 66% increase in subsidies to wind developers to pay them to build more intermittent, unpredictable capacity with about a 25% efficiency factor in t
Posted By: Matt Jacobson on: 12/02/2023

The Most Dangerous Animal in America - Shoot to Cull

Connecticut is at the infestation epicenter of a beast that kills some 200 Americans a year; injures at least 10,000 others; is annually responsible for billions of dollars in property damage; trashes native ecosystems; and spreads an infection that causes fever, headache, fatigue, and, if untreated, injury to joints, heart, and brain. 

Posted By: Ted Williams on: 09/07/2023

Urban Society vs. Rural Cultural Traditions The Real Crisis in the Forest

For many decades, urban society and its “illusion of preservation” has continued to obstruct and suppress our rural communities and their use of the land and natural resources. We are seeing the elimination of a cultural heritage in our time.

Posted By: Bob Williams on: 08/21/2023

Buffalo Creek: Our Side of the Story

Ted Williams has been a respected friend and colleague for over 40 years. I appreciate his writing because he is fearless in challenging the environmental shibboleths, sanctities and hypocrisies that reverberate throughout our woke world. His recently posted blog from his grays Sporting Journal article has engendered considerable comment. With due regard to differing opinions and well researched perspectives, we are posting Bob Mallard’s rebuttal from Native Fish Coalition (NFC). From my personal perspective I think Williams and NFC folk have much to agree upon and the problem child  with Buffalo Creek opponents lies with organizations such as Wilderness Watch. After 20 years of massive forest fires desecrating our western forests might our Wilderness toadies recognize that forest management and management of exotic fish are needed to restore native fish population?.

Posted By: Bob Mallard on: 07/28/2023

EarthX Forestry The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In spring 2022 EarthX tv produced an exemplary four part film on western Forest fires entitled American Forest Fires. I worked for over a year to help produce the film with Matthew Spradlin. In April 2021 I did an interview with Daulton O’Neil to introduce the major thematic content of the film. In April 2022 we premiered the AFF film at the EarthX conference in Dallas with a panel of speakers who appeared in the film including Nadine Bailey, Bob Williams and Jim Peterson. My remarks follow…

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/27/2023

EarthX ASE Forestry Interview

In April 2021 I did an interview with Daulton O’Neil to introduce the major thematic content of the film. 

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/27/2023

Envisioning Conservation without Conflict for a Sustainable Future

Leopoldo “Leo” Miranda-Castro was introduced as the new Executive Director for the Conservation without Conflict coalition in the February issue of the Outdoor News Bulletin. We’ve asked Leo to provide a more detailed biography and to provide more information about what the coalition is working on.

Posted By: Leopoldo “Leo” Miranda-Castro on: 07/18/2023

Noah’s Arks for Imperiled Salmonids

Trout and grayling are in desperate trouble in the West. But genetic and thermal refuges provide hope.  Check out this article previously published in Gray’s Sporting Journal, April 2023

Posted By: Ted Williams on: 07/18/2023

Shaping The Future, Seizing The Moment

Here is a great story written by a LandCAN board member that was first published on Women's Forest Congress Blog. It mentions one of the greatest conservation heros, Maggie Bryant.

Posted By: Chandler Van Voorhis on: 02/09/2023

The Bucks Stop Here. Inside Staten Island’s unorthodox deer-control effort

Every year the continent's most dangerous wild animal kills about 200 Americans, injures some 29,000 others, causes roughly one billion dollars in vehicle damage, spreads debilitating diseases to tens of thousands of humans and dogs, destroys gardens, wildflowers, and herbs, threatens forest sustainability, and damages native ecosystems.

Posted By: Ted Williams on: 12/13/2022

American Forest Fires

For two years I have worked with EarthxTV to bring about their first in-house production: a series entitled, American Forest Fires. This is a one-of-a-kind series detailing the history which goes back a thousand years, the compliant role of the environmental movement instigating this ecological disaster, and the policy options needed for reform and community safety.  

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/09/2022

American Forest Fires #2

The enormity of the task of forest restoration is mind boggling. We need to restore millions of acres of our national forests and other jurisdiction ownerships.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/09/2022

Urban Society vs Rural Cultural Traditions: The Real Crisis in the Forest

For many decades, urban society and its “illusion of preservation” has continued to obstruct and suppress our rural communities and their use of the land and natural resources. We are seeing the elimination of our cultural heritage in our time.

Posted By: Bob Williams on: 12/08/2022

Citizens of the Same World?

History students learn one of the most famous lines from inaugural addresses, that spoken by President Kennedy in 1961, which begins, “And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you…” They rarely learn the next line, which was “My fellow citizens of the world, ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do…”

Posted By: Greg Walcher on: 12/07/2022

American Forest Fires - FINALLY Released

We are happy to announce that American Forest Fires is finally complete.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/16/2022

Why I Support Conservation Easements

Check out this blog post by my friend Teri Murrison. 

Posted By: Teri Murrison on: 11/08/2022

The potential of nature‑based solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from US agriculture

This study evaluates the literature and potential of nature-based solutions to reduce GHG emissions from US agriculture, which has been characterized as “industrial agriculture.  The global challenge is how to profitably produce more food to feed a growing population while sustainably reducing GHGs and improving soil carbon health within a changing climate. Read More »

Posted By: Thomas Daniels on: 11/03/2022

Logging’s Ongoing Public Relations Battle

Most forest landowners understand the critical role logging plays in the long-term ownership and conservation of their forest resources, both from an ecological and economic perspective. both media and extremist environmentalists have successfully redefined logging in the public’s minds as the wanton destruction of forests. Any reference to logging in the mainstream media usually has a negative connotation. It’s as if there’s some other, more environmentally-friendly way to harvest trees. Just as people don’t like to think of how their animal food is harvested, they apparently don’t want to recognize how trees become lumber. Read More »

Posted By: Bob Williams on: 08/23/2022

How Republicans Lost the Environment as Public Policy Leaders

Over the last century and a quarter, the United States has experienced two great short lived episodes of Republican conservation leadership.  That banner of leadership and creative energy is barely acknowledged today; WHY? How did the Republican brand of conservation leadership slip below the waters like a disappearing titanic?

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/03/2022

Returning Fire to the Land

Jim Durglo of Salish-Kootenai tribe was a lead off speaker at EarthX’s Forestry conference on 22 April in Dallas. 99% of Americans do not realize that all our forests were burned regularly by native Amerindians for millennia from New Jersey west to California. Amerindians were our continents’ first forest managers and a number of tribes today are among our nation’s best forest managers. Watch this video from Salish Kootenai Forestry department, It will open your eyes to the need for forest management to be returned vigorously to western states and New Jersey’s Pine Barrens.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/11/2022

EarthX Forestry: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

My talk at EarthX mirrors the script and outline for EarthX TVs forthcoming film on American Forest Fires which includes interviews with LandCAN board members Mark Rey, former U/S USDA NRE, and Bob Williams NJ’s premier forestry consultant. The film also features interviews with Phil Aune USFS retired, and Jim Peterson of Evergreen Foundation.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/25/2022

Wildlife Fauxtography

The world of environmental advocacy is increasingly entering a dark tunnel of falsified information which is now spreading into time honored professions such as wildlife photography. Ted Williams, who is a valued advisory member for LandCAN and one America’s best conservation writers is calling attention to the fabrication of much of the wildlife photography which is being splattered across the internet. Pay heed.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/19/2022

LandCAN Background History - a Message to a Donor

Here is a summary on the history and background of why I created LandCAN as response to a request from one of our donors trying to understand the impetus of my jouney in this direction.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/22/2022

A Personal Perspective of the Endangered Species Act for its 50th Anniversary, Prologue

What worked, what did not work, and a path forward for the next fifty years. 

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/22/2022

A Personal Perspective of the Endangered Species Act for its 50th Anniversary, Introduction

What Worked, What Has Not Worked, and Where Do We Go from Here?

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/22/2022

A Personal Perspective of the Endangered Species Act for its 50th Anniversary, Birth of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/22/2022

A Personal Perspective of the Endangered Species Act for its 50th Anniversary, National Audubon Society Years

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/17/2022

Ocean-Based Geoengineering Approaches to Addressing Climate Change

Here is the recording of this week’s interview with Russ George.  I know it may sound to good to be true, but OPR has the potential to sequester tens of millions of tons of blue carbon in addition to bringing back fisheries around the globe.  There is growing interest in the topic, and the NAS recently issued a 360 page report on the urgency of deploying ocean-based mitigation for climate.  

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/07/2022

Nebraska Ranchers Use Fire to Reclaim Grazing Lands

Here I am reposting an article about how Landowners band together for prescribed burns that boost the prairie's productivity written by Brianna Randall, NRCS Working Lands for Wildlife published Jan 05, 2022.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/01/2022

Sometimes a Wild Notion: Wilderness vs. Forest Management

Conservation issues have become increasingly complex. Surprisingly, the preservation solutions, sometimes well-intentioned, proposed so far have been dangerously simple. This simpleness is problematic because the issues require complex solutions, collaborative work, and probably multiple generations to address. 

Posted By: Vinh Lang on: 02/01/2022

How a California Viticulturist Uses Biological Control and Cultural Practices to Combat Pests

Recently I talked with Thomas Grandperrin of UAVIQ about a his recent interview with David Gates, the senior vice president of vineyard operations at Ridge Vineyards, to discuss IPM, biological control, and the use of cover crops in vineyards. 

During our conversation, he mentioned LandCAN. I thought you would enjoy reading about his story and maybe share it with your network.  

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/13/2021

My Thoughts on Max Baucus's WSJ Op-Ed

I thought it was worth sharing Baucus' op-ed about how proposed new tax policies would hurt working landowners, as well as share some thoughts of my own.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/02/2021

Time to dispel the forest carbon debt illusion

The contribution of forests in climate change mitigation is presently very much at focus. As part of this debate, it is often stated that a carbon debt occurs when harvesting and that harvesting leads to increased carbon emissions in the short term.   

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/13/2021

Step one in restoring a floodplain along the Lemhi River

The Idaho Fish and Game Department's Salmon Region has just posted a video of their big construction project east of Salmon on Highway 28 this past winter. The work being done will restore the floodplain and natural river processes in this stretch of the Lemhi River, which means better spawning and rearing habitat for Chinook salmon. It will take four years to complete the entire project. In the end, better habitat for Chinook salmon means more salmon in our rivers.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/11/2021


Some people are simply known by their initials. The initials of MJ are enough to signal the greatness of Michael Jordan, the famed basketball player. In the world of conservation, MOB carries the same level of awe. Magalen Ohrstrom Bryant (MOB) was a force of nature whose impact spanned both local and global reaches of conservation.

Posted By: Chandler Van Voorhis on: 07/15/2021

How to green the world's deserts and reverse climate change - TED talk by Allan Savory

It is worth watching Alan Savory's TED talk.  I have seen Savory's work in Africa and the American west. Private Ranchers will be the frontline on restoring western grasslands and the species that depend on them.  Eat beef and lamb and help restore our grasslands in the United States.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/12/2021

Bees Today, Butterflies and Owls Next Year?

I witnessed a delightful orgy this morning in the pollinator patch next to our pump in the pasture. It was a bee orgy. Boy, were they having a good time. Poppies, red ones especially, held half a dozen or more bees each. They rolled around, rubbing their little bodies in the yellow gold, threading themselves between pistils and stamens. They were punch-drunk with happiness, as was I just watching. We’ve been waiting for this day.

Posted By: Teri Torell Murrison on: 07/12/2021

A Vote GreenTrees is a Vote for Landowners

Maggie O Bryant died Sunday night 27 June. She was a an exemplar for nationwide conservation. She served as my board Chair 1990-1999 at National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and was a key to our decade of success. She was the inspiration behind and incubator of the founding of GreenTrees, and these trees and her son Carey Crane's work on GreenTrees, along with Chandler Van Voorhis, will be her legacy for decades to come

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/06/2021

Energy Solution? Soil Carbon Storage

Oil, coal and natural gas will remain the world’s dominant sources of energy over the next decades, whether we like it or not. Technologies that help reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuels can reverse this trend! Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is particularly promising. 

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 04/28/2021

Caring and Conserving: The Future of Forestry

A transcript of my presentation at EarthX's Meet the EarthXpert member event on April 1, 2021. I also serve as a Strategic Alliances Coordinator for EarthX.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/02/2021

Forests & Fires - Perfect Together However?

As foresters and landowners in the forestry community, we are well aware of the impact of fires on our landscapes. Many of us actually use fire to provide conservation stewardship to forest ecosystems.

Posted By: Bob Williams on: 10/23/2020

A talk at the Northeast Harbor Garden Club on endangered species

On 6 August I gave a talk at the Northeast Harbor Garden Club on endangered species, and a plug for the Downeast Salmon Federation, Maine’s premier conservation organization working to restore Atlantic salmon to Maine rivers

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/24/2020

Amos and Dwayne's full conversation

Dwayne Shaw (DSF Executive Director) and Amos Eno (President and Founder of Land Conservation Assistance Network) met up yesterday and chatted briefly about our work and why we need your help to bring salmon recovery to the next level.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/24/2020

The Launch: Partners in Flight’s first days

The primary goals of the Partners in Flight Program are to determine the status and causes of population changes of neotropical migrants; to maintain stable populations and habitats; and to enhance or restore declining populations and habitats through a coordinated program of monitoring, management, research, education, and international cooperation.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/28/2020

Planet of the Humans

I never thought I would watch start to finish a Michael Moore movie, much less recommend to anyone, but Moore nails this film. It lays bare the more than 30 year trajectory of falsehood and hypocrisy of the environmental movement and clean energy proponents, and the dishonesty of its chief promotors Al Gore and Bill McKibben and their acolytes.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/12/2020

Saving Species on Private Land

Saving Species on Private Land by Lowell Baier is the second volume of Lowell Baier’s proposed trilogy, or possibly a four-volume treatise on the conservation repercussions of America’s iconic environmental law, The Endangered Species act (hereafter ESA). ESA was first passed in 1966 in halcyon days of early environmental activism, expanded in 1969, and set in its current concrete form with Congressional passage in 1973. Despite three subsequent amendments, the law prevails today
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/21/2020

The Future of Land Conservation

Our Executive Director, Amos S. Eno, presented to a group of EarthX ambassadors in January 2020. In this 17-minute video, Amos shares a history of land conservation in America, explains the context of how land conservation evolved over the years, and offers suggestions for the future of land conservation.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 03/19/2020

The O’Toole Ladder Ranch

A sixth-generation ranch in Wyoming and Colorado meets the 21st century with innovation and family unity.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/02/2020

May the Forests be with You: Strong Forests, Strong Economy, Strong Community

LandCAN Executive Director Amos S. Eno's opening remarks from a panel on sustainable forestry in Maine, with keynote speaker U.S. Senator Angus King (ME).

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/22/2019

The Roots of the General Mills Regenerative Agriculture Program

The nonprofit Soil Health Academy (SHA) is just one of many initiatives spawned by regenerative agriculture guru Gabe Brown in collaboration with additional expert partners. SHA holds regenerative agriculture workshops around the country that are open to anyone who’s interested, and they are routinely sold out.

Posted By: K. Gregg Elliott on: 11/04/2019

Brown’s Ranch in North Dakota: Guided by the “divine”

Like almost everyone else in his rural community, Gabe had been farming and ranching using conventional methods since purchasing his Brown’s Ranch from the parents of his wife Shelly in 1991. Possibly because he had not grown up on a farm, Gabe found that he was constantly asking the question, “why do we do things this way?”

Posted By: K. Gregg Elliott on: 11/04/2019

Speech to the Roosevelt Conservation Caucus

On June 4, 2019, LandCAN President Amos S. Eno addressed the Roosevelt Conservation Caucus. Below is the transcript of that speech.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/01/2019

Message from a Maverick for 21st century Conservation

This is an article I originally wrote for the Weekly Standard, but the magazine went out of business before it could be published.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/01/2019

Bee Hives Had Been a Part of Notre Dame's Roof for the Past Several Years

The fire at Notre Dame has eradicated the hives, that were placed there in 2013

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 06/18/2019

Rotational Grazing Improves Biodiversity of Land

Diversifying the way we manage working lands -- including farmland, rangeland and forests -- may be key to preserving biodiversity.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/26/2019

Record Flooding Pummels Midwest When Farmers Can Least Afford It

The record floods that have pummeled the Midwest are inflicting a devastating toll on farmers and ranchers at a moment when they can least afford it, raising fears that this natural disaster will become a breaking point for farms weighed down by already falling incomes.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/26/2019

It's International Day of Forests

Did you know that forests cover one third of the Earth's land mass, performing vital functions around the world?  Around 1.6 billion people depend on forests for their livelihoods, medicines, fuel, food and shelter.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/21/2019

How Landowners Can Preserve Bee and Butterfly Habitats

The Bee & Butterfly Habitat Fund puts the best habitat where it makes the most sense; working lands. Much like LandCAN, this organization believes landowners are the key to habitat conservation.   

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/19/2019

Global Recycling Day 2019

Global Recycling Day was created in 2018 to help recognize, and celebrate, the importance recycling plays in preserving our precious primary resources and securing the future of our planet. 

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/18/2019

Top 10 Podcasts for Landowners

After polling landowners and doing some digging, this is the top list of podcasts related to agricultural sustainability, animal welfare, and beginner farmers. 

Posted By: Modern Farmer on: 03/11/2019

Bruce and Tarini - The Green Caretakers

This active, nature-loving, environmentally mindful couple are looking to bring their talents and love of the outdoors to a larger piece of land and bring harmony to nature and people. 

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/05/2019

Habitat Conservation : Monarch Tagging How-To

Tagging helps answer questions about the origins of monarchs that reach Mexico, the timing and pace of the migration, mortality during the migration, and changes in geographic distribution.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/01/2019

House Passes Land Protection Package: Why it’s a huge win for conservationists

On Tuesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to authorize a sweeping land protection package that would protect over two million acres of land across the country.

Posted By: National Geographic on: 02/28/2019

Conservation Reserve Program in the 2018 Farm Bill

Farmers Will Continue to Be Good Stewards of Land and Water

Posted By: American Farm Bureau on: 02/28/2019

Water Conservation Fund Bill Passes Senate! But What's Next?

Last week the U.S. Senate passed a sweeping bill that would make the Land and Water Conservation Fund permanent. A feat many hunter
Posted By: Emily Nason on: 02/26/2019

National Wine Day!

The purpose of National Wine Day is to show appreciation towards all those in the wine making industry and to spread the love, knowledge, and health benefits of wine!

Posted By: AGAmerica on: 02/17/2019

Planning for a Sustainable Future for Your Farm

Preserving your land for future generations is one of the noblest actions a property owner can take. Making that decision shouldn’t have unwanted tax or estate planning consequences. 

Posted By: John Whitney on: 02/06/2019

Monarch Watch and Migration Tagging

Thanks to the hard work of the scientists and Monarch Watch, populations could be on the rise!

Posted By: Emily on: 02/04/2019

8 Benefits of Birdwatching

Bird watching can be a therapeutic, relaxing and rewarding experience that comes with a wide range of benefits. 

Posted By: Emily on: 02/04/2019

Feeding The World in 2050- Biobased Solutions for a Growing Population

In Maine, an abundance of wood combined with mature forest and fishing industries, means we have the feedstock and infrastructure necessary to house some of these emerging biobased protein technologies.

Posted By: Marina Bowie on: 02/01/2019

Report Reveals Women are Key to Increasing Conservation

Nearly 301 million acres of U.S. land are now farmed or co-farmed by women, and at least 87 million additional acres are in the hands of women landowners. Research shows many women landowners have a strong conservation and stewardship ethic. 

Posted By: AGDaily on: 01/31/2019

Farming For The Future - Diversifying Working Lands

Diversifying working lands -- including farmland, rangeland and forests -- may be key to preserving biodiversity and feeding the world’s growing population.

Posted By: Emily on: 01/31/2019

Don’t Forget Your Outdoor Animals in Extreme Cold

Not all livestock and animals have the luxury of being raised in climate-controlled buildings.

Posted By: Wisconsin Department of Agriculture on: 01/29/2019

National Peanut Butter Day - Facts about Peanuts and Peanut Farmers

First things first, just because the word “nut” is in their name doesn’t make them nuts. Peanuts are actually legumes! 

Posted By: Emily on: 01/24/2019

World Wildlife Fund Works With Cattle Grazing Groups on Grasslands Conservation

Just as many environmentalists and media outlets place the blame of climate change on beef cattle production, one organization is praising cattle ranchers for their preservation of grasslands.

Posted By: Amanda Radke on: 01/17/2019

Working Lands Important For Biodiversity

Recent research shows biodiversity on working lands — places where people raise food, forests, products or livestock — are important for wildlife and plants as well.

Posted By: Dana Kobilinsky on: 01/08/2019

Real Christmas Trees are Recyclable

Real Christmas Trees are biodegradable, which means they can be easily reused or recycled for mulch and other purposes. Real Christmas Trees are biodegradable, which means they can be easily reused or recycled for mulch and other purposes. 

Posted By: National Christmas Tree Association on: 12/27/2018

National Maple Syrup Day!

Its National Maple Syrup Day! And, like many things we enjoy each day, we can thank farmers for delicious maple syrup!

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 12/17/2018

Landowners, Endangered Species, and The Center for Growth and Opportunity

The Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University explores the scientific foundations of the interaction between individuals and government to improve the well-being of society

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 12/13/2018

Conservation Group Outlines Excellent Priorities

Maine’s natural heritage depends on healthy wildlife habitats. Conserving habitat for wildlife to flourish throughout their life cycles provides opportunities for recreation and quiet enjoyment of Maine’s beauty, while generating millions in revenue from our outdoor economy.

Posted By: George Smith on: 12/10/2018

The Secret Relationship Between Brewers and Farmers

It’s impossible to truly understand the rise of craft beer without understanding the importance of the relationship between brewer and hop farme

Posted By: Nick Hines on: 11/30/2018

New Study Reveals Natural Solutions Through Agriculture That Can Reduce Impact of Climate Change

U.S. forests, wetlands and agricultural lands could absorb one-fifth of greenhouse gas pollution — equivalent to emissions from all U.S. vehicles

Posted By: Kirsten Ullman on: 11/29/2018

10 Halloween Fun Facts - You'd Be Surprised How much This spooky Holiday Relies on Agriculture!

Halloween's ancient roots are as much about agriculture as scary costumes and candy

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 10/30/2018

10 Things You Might Not Know about Fall’s Annual Monarch Migration

Each August through October, masses of monarchs embark from the southern reaches of Canada on a journey that will take them 2500 Miles to remote mountain treetops in central Mexico. 

Posted By: Tony Gomez on: 10/30/2018

Forests as a climate solution? Yes, naturally

Research also shows that well-managed forests often can store as much carbon as unmanaged forests, making innovative forest management methods a key solution to fighting climate change while supporting local communities and making a profit.

Posted By: Justin Adams and Sophie Beckham on: 10/23/2018

Taking the Long View

Salem and his wife Dianne purchased their first 158-acre piece of timberland in Conecuh County near Alabama’s Gulf Coast with hopes of growing timber and enjoying the wildlife. Unfortunately, the Saloom’s vision was interrupted when Hurricane Ivan hit their land in 2004.

Posted By: American Forest Foundation on: 10/17/2018

Pingree Forests tour with Alex Ingraham

On Tuesday 21 August, Brie Costello and I drove to Rangeley to meet Alex Ingraham, president of Pingree Associates, to tour the four townships (Oxbow, Upper Cupsuptic, Lower Cupsuptic, Davis) which lie north of Oquossoc and Rangeley.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/19/2018

Thomas Daniels and The Law of Agricultural Land Preservation

Conservations easements can be complex. Thomas Daniel's new book breaks down the legal principles, federal and state requirements, and the legal issues that affect agricultural land preservation efforts. 

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 09/19/2018

Adams Preserve: Hidden Gem of Western Texas

Untouched, and completely isolated, this a rare crystal clear and spring-fed creek has been owned by one family for 75 years.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 09/06/2018

Fish and Trees

Fish need calcium—so do trees. In eastern Maine, there’s not enough of it. After a century or more of acid rain, the calcium in our soils and in our waterways has been leached away

Posted By: Guest Author Russel Heath on: 08/22/2018

Five-part Interview With Michael T. Rains

Five-part Interview With Michael T. Rains, Former Director of the Northern Research Station at Newtown Square, Director of the Forest Products Laboratory at Newtown Square

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 08/07/2018

The Passing Of Nathaniel Reed -- Heroic Champion Of Fish, Wildlife, and The Environment

Nathaniel Pryor Reed died July 11, 2018, eleven days short of his 85th birthday.

Posted By: Amos Eno on: 08/06/2018

College Professors Talk Importance of Private Land Conservation

With less funding going towards the preservation of public lands, professors have started stressing the importance of private land conservation.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 08/06/2018

How to Start a Simple Vegetable Garden

Gardening for Beginners can seem daunting, it is much easier than you think once you follow a few simple tips which will get you started.

Posted By: Tim Gragam on: 06/13/2018

Anurag Agrawal, Milkweed, and the Decline of Monarch Butterflies

When we think of wild animals losing their habitats, we don’t usually envision butterflies. Instead we might think of elephants, rhinos, and tigers in faraway places. But monarch butterflies are losing their homes right here in the US. One man who has made real strides in the research of monarch butterflies and their habitat is Anurag Agrawal. In 2017 he wrote the book Monarchs and Milkweed - A Migrating Butterfly, a Poisonous Plant, and Their Remarkable Story of Coevolution

Posted By: Emily on: 06/12/2018

Garden Clubs and Their Involvement in Conservation

What nobody in todays’ environmental movement recognizes is how important Garden Clubs were back when we were forming leadership for our environmental agenda. 

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/11/2018

Ken Hofmann: Colleague, Mentor, Friend

Ken Hofmann passed away at age 95 at his home in California with his family by his side. Ken deserves wide recognition and appreciation.

Posted By: Amos Eno on: 05/31/2018

Radio Interview on the Derek Volk Show

Amos Eno, the president and founder of LandCAN had the unique opportunity to be interviewed on a local radio show here in Maine

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 04/26/2018

Re-Planting After a Fire: Sagebrush Restoration

After any kind of wildfire, big or small, it is imperative that the trees and plants are replanted within a reasonable time after a fire, insect infestation, disease or weather takes its toll.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/30/2018

Conservation Easements and the Billion Dollar Loophole

The most generous charitable deduction in the federal tax code is being manipulated to make big profits

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 03/20/2018

Changing The Way We View Private Land Conservation

Though public lands are crucial for conserving some of our nation's last wild spaces, the reality is that private lands surround and connect these spaces

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 02/08/2018

Collaboration and Conservation

When it comes to conservation, there is no one person or organization that can do it all. Everyone, from students and farmer, to non-profits and government agencies, must get involved. 

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 02/01/2018

Importance of Private Land Conservation and the work of Amy Johnson

Engaging with private landowners is more important than ever when it comes to conservation. 71% of land in the lower 48 states is in private ownership.

Posted By: Emily Nason on: 01/18/2018

Mr. Eno Goes to Washington

As LandCAN President, I often travel to Washington, D.C. to talk about current items such as sage grouse and Lesser Prairie Chicken conservation.  Here's a recap of the four busy days I spent there last week.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

The Importance of Providing Landowners with the Full Spectrum of Information and Resources on Conservation Agriculture

Last week we were excited to announce on social media that our own Breana Behrens Monday was going to speak at the 6th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture. Unfortunately, flight cancellations put an end to her trip before it ever really started. Here is the speech she would have given.

Posted By: Breana Behrens on: 01/09/2018

O'Toole Family Wins 2014 Leopold Conservation Award in Wyoming

The family, of Ladder Ranch on the Wyoming-Colorado border, wins one of the most prestigious awards in private lands conservation.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

The Little Land Trust that Could

The Lemhi Regional Land Trust breaks out.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Huge Victory for 21st Century Conservation

Congress makes permanent enhanced tax incentives for conservation easement donations.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Taking High Plains Conservation to Scale with Private Landowners: by not listing the Lesser Prairie Chicken

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's decision not to list the Lesser Prairie Chicken a threatened species was the right move.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Industry Commits to Conservation Leadership

Saving the lesser prairie chicken 1 (million) acres at a time.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Colorado Cattlemen's Agricultural Land Trust Surpasses 400,000 Acres Conserved

As of December 31, 2012 CCALT and its partners have conserved over 400,000 acres of private working lands in Colorado. Furthermore, in October the organization was honored as the state's outstanding nonprofit with the Julie and Spencer Penrose Award by the El Pomar Foundation.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

The Making of Maple Syrup: Part II

Collaborative Conservation on the Siuslaw National Forest

An interview with Johnny Sundstrom, Founder and Director of the Siuslaw Institute, Deadwood, Oregon, on the process behind the Fivemile-Bell watershed restoration project on Oregon's central coast.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Tara Wildlife: A Family Legacy of Conservation

Before dawn on Thursday morning, I’ll be leaving to attend the fourth iteration of Tara Talks, a conservation conference held at Tara Wildlife in Eagle Lake, Mississippi.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Reinvigorated Leadership for Oklahoma Conservation Districts

As president of the Oklahoma Association of Conservation Districts and board chairman of the Dewey County Conservation District, Jimmy Emmons is leading by example in an effort to improve soil health on his farm and throughout the state.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 01/09/2018

The Making of Maple Syrup: Part I

Sixth generation sugar maker Kevin Bacon showed us how to tap a maple tree on our visit to his farm last week, where we learned a lot about this sweet, sustainable natural resource.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 01/09/2018

The Direction of Land Conservation in the 21st Century

I spent the later half of last week in Boise, Idaho, where I gave a speech as part of the Joint State Conservation Summit hosted by the Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission. Below is an abridged version of that speech.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Louisiana Conservation Connection Officially Unveiled

Yesterday, I was in Louisiana to give a presentation on our latest state conservation website.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/09/2018

Gunnison Sage-Grouse: An Endangered Species?

In just two weeks, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service will decide whether or not to list the Gunnison sage-grouse as a threatened or endangered species under the Endangered Species Act.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 01/09/2018

George Smith Lauds Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund

Yesterday, George Smith posted a great article about some of the most recent grants awarded by the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/30/2017

Why I've been running

I have worked in conservation for over 35 years, and my career path, which might be more appropriately dubbed the “careening” path of a total maverick

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/30/2017

Soil Carbon Cowboys

A team of researchers from Arizona State University and Carbon Nation and filmmaker Peter Byck to study and show to the world the impacts of adaptive multi-paddock (AMP) grazing on farms and ranches in the U.S. and Canada.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/29/2017

Ahead of the Herd

Around the turn of the 20th century Ellis County, Texas was the largest cotton producing county in the United States, but through intensive restoration efforts the Price family has turned formerly worn out farmland into native grassland prairie capable of sustainably supporting 77 Ranch’s cow-calf operation and plentiful wildlife.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 11/20/2017

Private Land in the West: A Diamond in the Rough

Here's a copy of a speech I gave two weeks ago in Jackson Hole, WY. Thank you to David and Maureen Brown for hosting us, and to Bob and Colleen Grady, and Rob Wallace for your long time support.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/10/2017

A Forest Management Renaissance

It is time for a new approach to on the ground forest management.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/01/2017

Tending to the Land

For their efforts in forest stewardship, RFF Advisory Board member Bob Williams and classmate Bill Haines Jr. were profiled in the Spring 2017 issue of Rutgers Magazine.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 07/28/2017

Why You Need an Estate Plan

It’s not the most comfortable topic to discuss, but for the sake of practicality, making a plan for when you die is an incredibly important step everyone should undertake.

Posted By: Jackie Waters on: 07/28/2017

Turning the Texas Drought into Plenty

How One Texas Rancher Helped to Feed People While Saving his Ranch from the Drought.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/12/2017

Tax Benefits Result in More Acres Conserved

Now that the 2006 Pension Bill provisions are due to expire in just over a month it is becoming more and more imperative to persuade the senate and house. it was a good idea by W

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/07/2017

Western Ranching Coalition: Ranchbook

This the transcript of the speech I gave at the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Public Lands Council meeting on February 26, 2009

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/07/2017

Big Sky and Tax Deductions: Motivators that Drive the Private Landowner Network

Wide open range land, narrow profit margins, big sky, high taxes, tall southern pines, growing debt: factors driving the Private Landowner Network or PLN.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/07/2017

Teaching Our Kids to Respect Nature Including Fish

Guest blogger Jackie Edwards reflects on fish and plants, and how natural ecosystems work.

Posted By: Jackie Edwards on: 06/21/2017

The Most Important Things to Consider When Designing an Eco-Friendly Home Remodel

Designing an eco-friendly home can consist of many different areas, and even the smallest change can have a big effect on future needs, costs, and your home’s value.

Posted By: Paul Denikin on: 10/21/2016

Field Trip Fridays: Misty Acres Alpaca Farm

Last week, myself and colleagues Melissa O'Neal, and Kim LeBlanc visited Red LaLiberte of Misty Acres Alpaca Farm in Sydney, ME, one of our ambassadors for #sustainableag in Maine.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 10/12/2016

Three Affordable Improvements to Make Your Home More Efficient

While this blog usually focuses on the sustainability of private working lands, DIY dad Paul Denikin reminds us that the path to sustainability can begin with relatively simple projects around the home.

Posted By: Paul Denikin on: 09/08/2016

KEA, Landowners Collaborate to Heal Idaho's Fernan Lake

This past May, the Kootenai Environmental Alliance, with the help of the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality’s Nonpoint Source Management Program, stood up to the plate and decided to take on the goal of making Fernan Lake healthy again.

Posted By: Cameron Cushing on: 08/31/2016

Tom Martin's Insights on Forestry in the 21st Century

I have known and respected Tom Martin, President and CEO of the American Forest Foundation, for several decades. We have the same philosophy and passion: a commitment to empowering private landowners as the leading phalanx to protect private lands across America.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/30/2016

The Beauty in Gardening

Editors' Note: We're excited to share with you this comprehensive guide to gardening by Lindsy Cullen from Unfortunately, it's too comprehensive to include on this blog in its entirety so we're sharing this introduction with a link back to the many detailed chapters on

Posted By: Lindsy Cullen on: 08/30/2016

Empowering Private Landowner Conservation

On Friday, April 15th I was honored to be a panelist on the fifth installment, entitled Empowering Private Landowner Conservation, of the Species Conservation and ESA Initiative webinars hosted by the Western Governors’ Association.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/30/2016

Empowering Private Landowners to Utilize Conservation

Resources First Foundation President & Founder, Amos Eno, speaks to the Louisiana Landowners Association on March 15, 2013.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/10/2016

'Fire Borrowing' Policy Up in Flames

Forest Service programs devastated by a flawed budgeting policy

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 03/09/2016

Talking Sage-Grouse with Terry Messmer

A Rancher's Perspective on Sage Grouse Conservation

Two weeks ago, I wrote about my discussion with Terry Messmer on the work he is is doing to conserve sage grouse and sagebrush-steppe habitat with private landowners in Utah. This week, I had the opportunity to speak with one of those ranchers, Jay Tanner of Grouse Creek.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/25/2016

Malpai Brings Voluntary Conservation to the Borderlands

The Malpai Borderlands Group is celebrating its twentieth year of fostering voluntary conservation programs in the southwest.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/25/2016

The Sage Grouse Initiative: A Federal Program that Works with Private Landowners

The Sage Grouse Initiative works with ranchers to preserve their working lands and the greater sage-grouse that inhabit them.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/25/2016

New Poll Finds Support among Hunters for Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation

The results of a recently released poll from the National Wildlife Federation and Southwick Associates showed that there is strong support for greater sage-grouse conservation among hunters in the eleven western states the bird inhabits.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/25/2016

Directing the Digital Estate

Directive Communication Systems is bringing the process of estate planning into the digital world.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/22/2016

The Winds Never Set

Pika Energy leads a quest to make homes providers of their own power

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/09/2016

New Jersey Struggles with Forest Management Policy

Last month Governor Chris Christie vetoed the Healthy Forests Act and now people in the state are struggling to find consensus how to manage New Jersey's state forests.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/09/2016

A West Coast Perspective on Forestry

Founder and editor of Evergreen magazine, Jim Peteresen discusses regional and political differences in forest management.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/09/2016

Amos Eno Speech: A Tuning Fork for Conservation

Resources First Foundation President Amos Eno told a Simsbury Land Trust audience that conservation policy is overdue for realignment

Posted By: Simsbury Land Trust on: 02/09/2016

When an Endangered Species Isn’t

Tales of Sonora Chub, Lesser Long-nosed Bats, and the Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy Owl

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/09/2016

Protecting the West's Critical Habitat from Invasive Species

A few of my thoughts on the second webinar in the Western Governors' Association's Species Conservation and ESA Initiative webinar series.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/09/2016

Community Conservation at its Best

Before the money and the fame, people in the mountain west used to live for a love of the range. The residents of Idaho’s Lemhi Valley are here to say that some things haven’t changed.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/09/2016

WAFWA One Year Later: A Major Success

In March 2014, I wrote about the development of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies' (WAFWA) Range-wide plan for conserving the lesser prairie-chicken. This week I spoke with Ross Melinchuk, chairman of WAFWA's Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Council, to discuss the range-wide plan, now slightly more than a year after its creation.

Posted By: Amos P. Eno on: 02/09/2016

Ag Labor and Immigration - A Case in Point

As the 113th Congress gets underway, it appears that both political parties are serious about tackling comprehensie immigration reform in 2013, for the first time in many years. A crucial piece of that package must address farm labor issues, a topic that has risen to the top of the policy agenda for AGree and many other groups. Wyoming rancher Pat O'Toole, an AGree Advisory Committee member, has strong view on this subject.

Posted By: Pat O'Toole on: 02/09/2016

Private Lands in the #11 State for Biodiversity and Extinctions

The state that spawned the Sagebrush Rebellion is quietly fomenting a new revolution: collaboration in the name of conserving wildlife and water.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/04/2016

Reforesting the Mississippi Alluvial Valley with GreenTrees

Founded in 2003 by C2I, LLC, GreenTrees is a privately managed forest restoration and carbon sequestration company for private landowners, and one of the largest and most successful reforestation projects in the country. GreenTrees focuses their efforts in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV), where there was once 50 million acres of bottomland hardwoods, of which only 4 million remain today.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/10/2015

California Land Trusts: Small is Beautiful

The Land Trust movement - and the future heritage of our country - is sustained by committed individuals and families with a long-term vision of the future.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/10/2015

Forest Management, Education and Baseball at Georgia’s Big K Farm

Two Atlanta Braves Baseball Stars Pitch Forest Stewardship to Fellow Landowners, Teachers, Kids, and Legislators

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/27/2015

Restoring Idaho's Lemhi River

Last week, I spoke with Jeff DiLuccia, a fisheries biologist for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game in the Salmon region, of which the Lemhi Valley is a part, to learn more about a project to restore a two mile segment of the Lower Lemhi River for the benefit of Chinook salmon and steelhead.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/22/2015

Notes from the International Sage-Grouse Forum

Last week, I attended the International Sage-Grouse Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah. As an inveterate note taker, here are the salient points I heard and noted.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/23/2015

Chicken Farm Turns Poultry Litter to Power

M. Marsh Farms in South Carolina will be among the first in the country to pursue energy independence by recycling animal waste into renewable energy

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/05/2015

Lemhi Salmon Recovery: Private Landowners take the Lead

Life on the Range profiles Idaho ranchers and their efforts to restore the Lemhi Valley watershed for Chinook salmon.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/03/2015

Serendipity at the Local Grocery

A taste of gin tells the story of sustainable agriculture in Vermont.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/24/2015

Conservation Could Save Sage Grouse & Ranchers from Endangered Species Listing

Fire suppression helped trigger a juniper invasion across the West. Now wildfires and USDA’s Sage Grouse Initiative offer win-win-win solutions.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/14/2014

Mr. Eno Goes to Washington: August Edition

Earlier this month, I traveled south for my third trip of the summer to our nation's capitol. Here's a recap of those three busy days.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/29/2014

Wildfires: It's that Time of the Season, Part I

The Western U.S. is experiencing it's first wildfires of the year and politicians have their fire extinguishers ready. Unfortunately, current policies to combat wildfires are ineffective.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/16/2014

Get to Know the RFF Advisory Board: Adam J. White

The third installment in our weekly series to introduce you, our readers, to the Resources First Foundation's Advisory Board Members.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/18/2014

Get to Know the RFF Advisory Board: Thomas Daniels

This is the second segment in our new weekly series to introduce you, our readers, to Resources First Foundation's Advisory Board Members.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/27/2014

Introducing RFF Advisory Board Member Keith Ross

The Resources First Foundation Advisory Board is just what it sounds like: It is a group of people who support what RFF is doing, and whom I can call on for advice or help. In this new segment, I will be introducing to you every week a member of Resources First Foundation's Advisory Board.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/22/2014

A Trip Through The African Wilderness

My recent travels through southern Africa reminded me of how profoundly my past experiences on this continent shaped my outlook on conservation.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/17/2014

Insect Invasion Bring Destruction to Southern Pine Forests

The southern pine beetle, cousin of the more popular western pine beetle, is responsible for the death of millions of pine trees from Texas to New Jersey.

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/13/2013

Private Lands for Endangered Species Recovery

On Saturday, I joined our Conservation Tax Center Director Breana Behrens at the inaugural Tara Talks conference in Eagle Lake, Mississippi. Here is a condensed version of the presentation I gave there.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/04/2013

The Answer to the Landowner Age Cliff – Conservation Action!

Making sure our forests, farms and ranches survive their aging owners demands innovative, entrepreneurial action, not empty promises.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/04/2013

Conservation Easements and Economic Incentives

This is an abridged version of the presentation I gave at the inaugural Tara Talks at Tara Wilderness in Eagle Lake, Mississippi on Saturday.
Posted By: Breana Behrens on: 11/01/2013

Federal Shutdown Leaves Landowners Stranded

Due to the strong conservation ethic of private landowners in America, conservation efforts continue across the country despite the federal government shutdown. But some, particularly South Dakota ranchers, are feeling the effects of the government freeze.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/17/2013

Preserving Tax Deductions for Conservation Easements in Perpetuity

Conservation easements perpetually preserve land, the Conservation Easement Incentive Act of 2013 aims to do the same for the federal tax incentives that encourage their creation.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/15/2013

Running Into The Wind Post #1

My name is Amos S. Eno and I am President of the Resources First Foundation (hereafter RFF), which I established in 2000.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/25/2013

The Virginia Outdoors Foundation: A leader in open space land easements

Founded in 1966, the Virginia Outdoors Foundation has conserved around 3,500 open space easements on over 675,000, much of that occurring under the tenure of Executive Director Bob Lee.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/19/2013

House Fails to Pass Farm Bill

Those of us hoping for a much needed update to the farm bill were once again disappointed by out legislators' failure to produce any legislation.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/11/2013

Conservation in Virginia's Piedmont

The Piedmont Environmental Council works to preserve the land of the Piedmont region and strengthen the communities that live on it.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/02/2013

Wildfires: It's that Time of the Season, Part II

Preventative medicine for our forests.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/05/2013

Innovative Farming in an Urban Metroplex

When most people think of farming, they conjure up pictures of expansive fields in rural areas, often surrounded by more fields, with a few houses, barns and grain silos scattered amongst them along two lane roads. That is not the case in Orange County, California, where the Kawamura family has been farming since 1958.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/03/2013

Getting Upstream States to Help Fix Downstream Problems

A condensed version of my speech at the America’s Energy Coast Leadership Forum on May 2nd in Baton Rouge, LA.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/10/2013

We Need a Forest Policy Fix; it is Long Overdue - Part I

Resources First Foundation works hard to partner with the United States Forest Service to save America's working forests.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/07/2013

We Need a Forest Policy Fix; it is Long Overdue – Part III

How to effectively market stewardship practices to private forest owners.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/30/2013

We Need a Forest Policy Fix; it is Long Overdue – Part II

Ex-urban explosion fractures Forests.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/29/2013

Family Wealth Management for Landowners

Landowners have special needs for real property financial advice
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/23/2013

Cat Fight at Audubon Corral

The National Audubon Society suspended, but has since reinstated, Ted Williams as writer of the independent Incite column for Audubon magazine in response to the controversial article he wrote on feral-cats as a Guest writer for the Orlando Sentinel.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/23/2013

Harper Armstrong Named Louisiana Farmer of the Year

Armstrong, a Morehouse Parish farmer for over forty years, was chosen from a group of three finalists as Louisiana Farmer of the year in 2013.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/29/2013

Estate Planning for the Private Landowner After the Fiscal Cliff

Private landowners should be aware of how the fiscal cliff deal will impact their estate planning in order to ensure they can keep their working lands working!
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/14/2013

The Harris Farm and Revision Energy Collaborate to Build a Model of Sustainable Dairy Farming

The Harris' have used sustainable agricultural practices for generations, and thanks to Revision Energy's solar hot water system, they practice sustainable energy use as well.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/06/2013

A Legacy of Sustainable Farming in Southern New Jersey

The Haines family has been preserving its environment and producing cranberries in the Pinelands of southern New Jersey for more than 100 years.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/25/2013

Condzella Hops Unites L.I. Farmers and Local Breweries

Condzella Hops need your help in reviving hop farms on Long Island! Support local farms and breweries.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/12/2013

The Age Cliff Facing Private Landowners

One more threat to working lands – the average age of farmers, ranchers and forest owners continues to climb, with only words not action to stem the tide.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/06/2013

Farm Bill Extension Overlooks the Family Farmer and Conservation

The Farm Bill Extension, passed by Congress in fiscal cliff legislation, keeps the country from falling off the dairy cliff, but may not be helpful to family farmers and conservation efforts.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/04/2013

The Enhanced Tax Incentive for Conservation Easements is Renewed!

President Obama has signed into law the “American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012,” or the much talked about fiscal-cliff deal. The Act includes a provision that extends the special rule for contributions of capital gain real property made for conservation purposes.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/04/2013

Rivers of Life, Ribbons of Green

Whether in the West or the East, riparian habitat is where it’s at for wildlife, water conservation, flood control, and beauty.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/09/2012

Will Forest Service Copy Rancher’s Zero-Cost Forest Management Plan?

California rancher & forest owner Peter Stent is working hard to help USDA’s Forest Service fight fire (and ultra-enviros) with common-sense forest management.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/28/2012

Wildfires Spread because Congress & Enviros ‘Can’t See the Forest for the Trees’

Veteran silviculturist urges Congress to assist the U.S. Forest Service in taking a proactive approach in fighting wildfires with common-sense, cost-saving preventive medicine.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/27/2012

Conservation Easements Gaining Ground in Montana

How thousands of small-acreage conservation easements add up to landscape-scale environmental benefits
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/24/2012

Conservation Easement Aggregation Projects in New England

Keith Ross is once again leading an innovative initiative to conserve large contiguous blocks of managed forests
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/11/2012

For a Maine Family Business – ‘The Forest Comes First’

The Pingree family uses a conservation easement to guarantee sustainability
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/30/2012

For a Maine Family Business – The Jobs Come Next

Pingree forests move from pulpwood to pellets & parquet
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/30/2012

The Facebook Generation Tunes In to Conservation, Land Management

Locust Hill Farm in Fauquier County, Virginia is a Study in Youthful Stewardship and Wired Technology
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/29/2012

Better Land, Big Bucks, Quail and More: the Rans Thomas Promise

Recreational property management with the landowner in mind is what the recently launched Thomas Resources Wildlife and Land Enhancement is all about.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/29/2012

How Estate Taxes and Conservation Easements are Linked

The implications of pending federal budget and tax decisions in Congress
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/24/2012

Have Your Land and Drill it Too

The Texas Agricultural Land Trust works with landowners to help plan for long-term conservation along with development of oil and mineral rights
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/23/2012

Deductions on Conservation Easements

History and Insights from a Leading Authority
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/23/2012

A Land Trust of Landowners for Landowners

The Colorado Cattlemen’s Agricultural Land Trust: making best use of a tax credit and lottery funds.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/21/2012

Drakes Bay Oyster Company Struggles on against Park Service

Guest blog from David Mitchell, of "Sparsely, Sage and Timely" in west Marin, California
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/07/2012

Generating Revenue from Biodiversity

A farmer grapples with how to make conservation pay for itself
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/02/2012

A Conservation Work Summary from The Farm at Sunnyside

Counting Salamanders and Photographing Mammals
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/13/2012

Landscape Stewardship - Conserving Forests of the Northeast

Stewardship envisioned by “standing on an individual property looking out, instead of standing on the boundary looking in.”
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/19/2012

Renewable Energy: Preparing Us for the Era of Conservation

Bob Belick of Sustainable Strategies defines conservation far more broadly than you might think
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/15/2012

Working Forests Need a Makeover

Forests Managed for Timber, Wildlife, and other Values Need Marketing that Goes Beyond Smokey Bear and Grizzly Bears
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/06/2012

Private Lands Field Day in Arkansas

Innovative ag operations using WHIP and EQIP for wildlife and water quality
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/25/2012

The New and Improved CREP for the Illinois River in Arkansas

How the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in northwest Arkansas can beat the price of a cow/calf operation . . .
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/03/2012

REAP - the Perfect Program for Rural Renewables

The Renewable Energy for America Program would work better if it were easier to use and more widely available.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/29/2012

Conservation Easements: the Good, the Bad and the Paperwork

A true story of what went on behind the scenes over 8 years to execute easements on the Salisbury-O’Toole Ladder Ranch in Colorado and Wyoming
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/29/2012

Beyond the Grid: Distributed Generation using Renewables

Helping Rural Residents to Make Alternative Energy Sources a Reality
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/05/2012

Social Media for More Online Outreach

FB, "friend," Tw, and "tweets" join RFF, PLN, and CCC
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/27/2012

Tecumseh Land Trust’s Proud “Tradition” of Saving Farmland

Effective Use of the NRCS Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/27/2012

Easements Help People Reconnect Parcels to the Family Farm

The Tecumseh Land Trust in Ohio relies on PLN to help educate landowners about conservation easements
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/27/2012

Ranching Side-by-Side with Wolves

An Ecological Philosophy of Ranching
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Thin Economics and High Quality Fat

How grass fed meat can support health while sustaining western ecosystems
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

What if We Could Rebuild Haiti?

The serendipitous story of how Wood for Haiti was created
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Lamb, Lava Lake, and a Landscape

Making Working Wildlands Work for Conservation
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Cowboys, Heroes and Family Roots

How a Childhood Working with Cattle Led an Investment Banker Back to a Working Ranch
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

The Heroes are the Herders

The duty of all staff at Lava Lakes Ranch is to leave the landscape in better condition than they found it.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Getting Grazing Right

Using High Tech Tools to Manage the Flock and Follow the Grazing Prescription
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Co-existence with Wolves Through Research

How using nonlethal methods of wolf control has decreased sheep predation by more than 90%
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Pronghorn: Spirit of the Grasslands

Using pronghorn antelope as a charismatic species to engage communities in maintaining and reconnecting rangelands
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Stepwise to a Grand Vision in Idaho

The many ways that ranchers in Idaho are contributing to the conservation of a great American landscape.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

Wood for Haiti

How beetle-killed wood from Western forests may be the key to rebuilding Haiti.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/23/2012

New Training Opportunities Signal Potential New Job Opportunities at NRCS

Free training opportunities around the country for new CRP initiatives
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/13/2012

CRP Readiness Initiative

Free nationwide trainings to support outsourcing of Conservation Reserve Program tech support
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/08/2012

Roseburg - a Conservation Easement with Timber Rights

Excerpts from a recent speech to the Allegheny Society of American Foresters
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/02/2012

More Working Forest Easements

Northeastern companies are setting the pace for practicing responsible long-term forestry, guaranteed for generations to come
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/02/2012

Florida Land Steward - Another Web-based Model for Landowner Outreach

A new partnership in Florida has embraced the PLN model for landowner outreach.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/07/2012

Public Relations for Working Forests

Bob Williams, a forester with a mission, filmed "A Working Forest, Its Future with Fire, People & Wildlife" to begin a conversation . . .
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/02/2012

Selah, the Texas Ranch that Brought Water from Stone

How David Bamberger's land ethic was born and transformed a "beat up" piece of Texas ground.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/24/2012

Avoiding Extinction by Adapting, Rancher Style

David Bamberger advocates living on the land as the way to retain knowledge of natural forces and ecology.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/24/2012

Western Forest Wildfire Lessons from NASA's Earth Observatory

Fire and the Future of Yellowstone 1989 to 2011
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/05/2012

Wood for Haiti Embodies the Spirit of Christmas

Great Idea, Great Need, Great Story, Great Time to Give
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/05/2012

Beetle-killed Forest: Why Harvesting May be the Best Option

How Wood for Haiti proposes to improve western forests while aiding Haiti.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/26/2011

What Would Christmas be Without a Live Tree?

It’s a family affair at the North Parish Christmas Tree Farm in central Maine.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/07/2011

A National Voice for Private Landowners

A Vision for How Landowners Can Take Greater Responsibility to Make a Difference
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/06/2011

Landowners and Government: The Secret to a Successful Relationship

The Blackfoot Challenge in Montana brings together everyone under the "80-20 rule."
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/30/2011

Thankful for “every cog and wheel” . . .

Can you recognize which Americans throughout our nation’s history have been thankful for these many forms of America’s bounty?
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/23/2011

Partners for Conservation

Looking for a few good private landowners to make important things happen across the country.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/17/2011

Locally Grown: Creating Rural Jobs with America's Public Lands

Testimony before Congress by Jim Stone of Rolling Stone Ranch in Montana
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/10/2011

The Landowner's Cash Contingency

Planning for your financial future - whether you intend to keep your property or not.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/30/2011

Land Rich, Cash Poor

Insights on how to value land wealth over the long term
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/28/2011

A Bottom-Up Approach with Bottom-Line Benefits

How are we doing?
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/16/2011

Save the Land By Saving the Rancher

What this Writer on Range thinks . . .
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/09/2011

Living with Weapons Near the Bed in Arizona

Drug trafficking and illegal border crossings from the perspective of a rancher
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/02/2011

Turnabout is Fair Play for a Rancher Who’s Fed Up

Lawsuits . . . they're not just for activists anymore
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/31/2011

The Amazing Chilton Ranch in Southern Arizona

Ground Zero of Touchstone Issues in the American West
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/25/2011

Wildlife and Cattle Management on a Working Ranch

The proper type of grazing is also one of the best means of managing for wildlife
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/25/2011

Rest Rotation Grazing

50,000 Acres of Ecological Success on the Chilton Ranch in Arizona
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/25/2011

Ranching for an Endangered Species

Endangered Leopard Frogs Finding a Home in the “Stock Pond”
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/25/2011

People and Animals Put the Work, and Happiness, into Working Land

A new program in Wyoming links kids to ranching. This is the kind of innovative thinking that could spread like wildfire.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/15/2011

Married Into It - a New Book of Poetry from the American West

DFFHFCC9UED2 Two poems that illustrate the relationship between ranchers and their land and animals, from Patricia Frolander, a lauded and award-winning American poet.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/06/2011

Private Land and Public Power: Some Questions You Might Ask

An exploration of the importance of private lands and the implications of declining public funds and low public understanding.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/29/2011

How to Set Goals for Your Recreational Property

You won’t be growing longleaf pine in Massachusetts, but within ecological reason, the best way to be a steward of your property is to clarify your desires
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/28/2011

How to Hire a Land Management Consultant

Tips from Rans Thomas, of Thomas Resources Wildlife and Land Enhancement, on how to get the most bang for your buck.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/26/2011

A Great Way to Purchase or Sell Recreational Property

In today’s market, there are many properties and almost as many “experts,” creating a “buyer beware” situation
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/23/2011

Land Enhancement for Wildlife with Hunting Product Discounts

Rans Thomas has a new consulting business, Thomas Resources Wildlife and Land Enhancement, which can provide products and equipment at below retail prices.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/20/2011

Norfolk Southern Corporation, an Engine for Private Reforestation

Railway company will restore 10,000 acres of lower Mississippi Valley forest, benefiting landowners, ecosystems, and their bottom line
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/28/2011

The Gulf of Maine Coastal Program

Building Community and Quality of Life through Habitat Protection and Restoration
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/05/2011

Farm Equipment, Old and New

One Example of How Farmers Must Adjust, Recalibrate, and Innovate Their Operations to Stay in Business
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/01/2011

Partners for Fish and Wildlife in Oregon

How partnerships help landowners and declining wildlife species at the same time.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/19/2011

Fisheries and Habitat Conservation at the Top

The Views of Bryan Arroyo, Former Farmer and Shepherd, Career Biologist and Lifelong Conservationist
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/10/2011

In Pennsylvania, Partnership is Creating a Win Win Win Win

How to make economic downturn and urban environmental problems turn into dynamic locally based action for change.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 05/03/2011

State Conservation Centers Developed by Resources First Foundation

One-Stop Shop Sites for Landowners in Individual States: the Value Added
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/29/2011

Private Lands, the New Conservation Frontier

Private landowners on America’s working land - farm, ranch, or forest - are changing. They have new needs and we need a new approach to help them.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/05/2011

Online Outreach to Private Landowners and Resource Managers

Internet training is here and promises only to grow. The Texas Agrilife Extension Service sets an excellent example.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/31/2011

Restoring an Ecosystem, the Case for Longleaf Pine

The Rangewide Conservation Plan for Longleaf Pine, created by a public-private partnership, aims to restore long leaf pine on a landscape scale.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/24/2011

Longleaf, Hope for Landowners Who Grow Pine in the South

Restoration of longleaf pine ecosystems is the “secret ingredient” for success in managing wildlife, wildfire, habitat, and plants in the Deep South
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/15/2011

The Benefits of Longleaf Pine Restoration to Landowners

Direct from the National Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year: the advantages and aesthetics of long leaf pine
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/15/2011

Of Native Grasses, Wildflowers, and Heart-breaking Beauty

The Art and Science of Meadow Restoration on an Organic Farm
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/02/2011

Growing Organic Food and Biodiversity at Sunnyside Farm

Nick Lapham’s Long-term Approach to Agriculture, Restoration and Life in Rappahannock County, Virginia
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 03/02/2011

Saving the U.S. from Itself: Toward a Rational Energy Policy

Why does the pace of change in energy and transport seem to be zero when we know technology is racing ahead . . . all across our inventive land? -Ken Berlin
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/25/2011

Prairie Plains Resource Institute’s Ranch Management in Nebraska

Envisioning a program to conserve high plains shortgrass prairie, generate ranch income, and educate the public about the Great Plains
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/10/2011

Orri Vigfusson Shares Successful Conservation Partnership Secrets

The founder of the North Atlantic Salmon Fund explains how the rights of netsmen are like the rights of small landowners
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 02/03/2011

North Atlantic Salmon Fund - Fair Compensation for Conservation

Orri Vigfusson, the world’s number one salmon conservationist, explains his idea of a “fair deal,” paying netsmen and long-liners for their fishing rights
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/26/2011

Farmers, Foresters, Ranchers and Wall Street

Michael Van Patten’s Mission Markets Earth is a first-of-its-kind trading platform designed to help everyone, including private landowners, trade ecosystem credits
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/21/2011

Conservation Easement Tax Deduction Extension

An increased tax deduction for conservation not only increases protected land, but increases justice in society.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/10/2011

Best Working Lands Quotes of 2010

PLN’s “Keep Working Lands Working” blog takes a look back at some of the most thought provoking statements and events of 2010
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/04/2011

Value-Added Forestry: Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Forester

In Central Minnesota, Greg Nolan seeks to spread “forestry with a small f” by incubating mom-and-pop businesses on a landscape scale.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/16/2010

Pacific NW Coached Stewardship Planning: Longterm Investments

In Oregon and Washington, coached Forest Stewardship Planning is an investment, not only in forests, but in the people who care for the land.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/08/2010

December Summit in NV on Renewable Energy to Save Sagebrush

Exciting new partnership using renewable energy to restore sagebrush has taken hold among rangeland managers, ranchers, and the biofuels industry in Nevada.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/01/2010

A Ranch, a Watershed, and Cattle in the 21st Century American West

Perspectives of a beginner in the western ranching business: Nikos Monoyios says ranches are important because ranchers provide land & water stewardship.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 12/01/2010

Forest Stewardship Program, Reinventing Private Forest Management

USFS State and Private Forestry is working smarter to meet demand and thinking strategically to conserve landscapes.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/23/2010

Magalen Bryant, Extraordinary Supporter of Conservation and the Environment

Magalen Bryant is an effective leader, committed conservationist, and genuine philanthropist. But she’d rather you just call her Maggie.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 11/08/2010

Might Green Energy Replace Development as #1 Threat to Habitat?

Connectivity, argues Ed Hastey, is the answer to a lot of our conservation problems on both public and private lands - but do energy companies realize that?
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/25/2010

Beyond Rocks and Ice, More from Mike Scott

The first Great Depression and Dust Bowl resulted in great strides for conservation and stewardship. What about this time?
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/22/2010

Mike Scott, Father of GAP Analysis

“The time to save species is when they are still common.”
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/22/2010

The Certificate in Land Preservation at the University of Pennsylvania

Tom Daniels has designed the country’s only certificate program for land preservation, in operation for the past three years.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 10/05/2010

Landscape Scale Conservation in the North Woods

Ten years ago a conservation easement on three-quarters of a million acres of land was unheard of. The Pingree Partnership changed all that.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/24/2010

California Rangeland Trust: A Booming Business, Where’s the Cash?

CRT and the Rangeland Coalition have broken the decades-long impasse between ranchers, conservationists, and “big government.” Now they just need cash.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/15/2010

Are Southern Forests Running Out of Time?

The Forest Service and Gary Myers are Worried About the Future of the World’s Most Diverse Temperate Forests
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/01/2010

Eliminating the “White Space” from Conservation Planning

A decades-long state director for the Bureau of Land Management makes a case for private lands as critical conservation corridors.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/10/2010

Southern Ecosystems and Symbiotic Relationships

Our new Mississippi State Conservation Center highlights the Magnolia state’s wildlife, forests, and agriculture.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 08/06/2010

Maine State Conservation Center

RFF just posted its first state conservation website
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/29/2010

Plan for Succession, not Just Bequeathing, of Your Private Land

Creating a succession plan is not the same as estate planning; think of it as designing your family legacy.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/27/2010

Big News from Texas for Landowners and Little Birds

Private Landowner demand for services from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department grows while federal support faces cutbacks
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/21/2010

Private Conservation boasts record progress

More than 11,000 acres were protected in Massachusetts in 2007 through conserrvation  easements
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/21/2010

Malpai Borderlands Group, Ranches of SE Arizona Face a New Threat

This post is a continuation from last week’s, about the Malpai Borderlands Group, or MBG, a group of ranchers working to protect their land and ranching heritage.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/14/2010

Challenges at The Connecticut Forest and Park Association

Connecticut's Oldest Land Trust Faces America’s Latest Problems: Budget Woes and Property Turnover
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/07/2010

Conservation Tax Incentive Extension

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 07/04/2010

Malpai Borderlands Group - an Early Inspiration for PLN

Ranchers in southeast Arizona at the Mexican Border have learned - sometimes the hard way - that they are “attached to the rest of the world.”
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/28/2010

New Senate tax incentives for land owners

Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/22/2010

3 reasons to Shift From a Public to Private Land Conservation Investment Portfolio

Take a look at my latest presentation on why the conservation community, both public and private, needs to consider a reorientation of their land conservation focus from public land acquisition to private land conservation initiatives.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 04/02/2010

People, particularly forestry folks

I have been trying to ascertain for months whether the conservation easement deductions provided in the 2008 Farmbill apply to forest landowners.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 09/19/2008


A review of the current ranch-land conservation-scape
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 06/30/2008

Federal Conservation Programs at work

I just read that the USDA's nationwide Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) topped the 1 million acre mark last week with the addition of a 60 acre tract in Minnesota.
Posted By: Amos S. Eno on: 01/23/2008